Monday, May 31, 2021

Happy Memorial Day Everyone !!


Today... take the time to appreciate...

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Monday, May 24, 2021

Why is farm-raised fish eating bad for you


Happy Monday everyone! I have been eating wild caught fish for many years now. I try to avoid farm raised seafood at all cost as much as I can. Of course its harder when going out to eat, but making healthy choices starts at home. It's more expensive but in the end I choose my health. Being healthy is not only feeling better in the moment but thinking about our future as well. Don't wait until its too late!

Here is some information I found on this subject.


1. Recent studies have found that farm-raised tilapia may cause more inflammation

Farm-raised tilapia has always been a popular source for fish, not only because it’s widely available in the U.S., but it’s also very inexpensive. However, before you stock up on tilapia, you may want to know about its correlation to inflammation. Recent studies have concluded that eating tilapia may worsen inflammation that can lead to heart disease, arthritis, asthma and a world of other serious health problems.

People who resort to eating more fish as a way to get their dose of omega-3 fatty acids and lessen their risk of heart attacks may want to hold off on the tilapia. A study was done and they found that the inflammatory potential of tilapia is far greater than that of a hamburger or pork bacon!

2. Farmed salmon may have at least 10 times the amount of cancer-causing organic pollutants compared to the wild variety

This can most likely be attributed to the feeds that are used on farm-raised fish. If you knew what went into the feeds of farm-raised fish, you would be horrified. Apparently, chicken feces is one of the main ingredients that go into farm fish feed. Not only that, the transfer of pig and duck waste to fish farms is also a very common practice.

3. Farm-bred fish have been found to have high concentrations of antibiotics and pesticides

Where do farm-bred fish get their antibiotics ? The crowded conditions of fish farms cause the fish to be more susceptible to disease. To keep them alive, farm owners give antibiotics to the fish to stave off disease — similar to what occurs in confined feedlot operations for cattle.

Farm-bred fish are also treated with pesticides to combat sea lice. The pesticides used to treat these fish are so deadly that they will kill wild salmon that are accidentally exposed to them. These pesticides are also eventually released in the ocean, where they get into the bodies and systems of other marine life.

4. Farm-bred fish also have lower levels of healthy nutrients

Many of us consume fish, hoping to reap the omega-3 fatty acid benefits that come with it. However, did you know that the omega-3-acids that are found in farm-raised fish are less usable in our bodies compared to wild-bred fish? Farm-raised fish also has a lower protein content.

Not only that, because farm-raised fish are kept in cages, they have the tendency to be fattier and can have a higher concentration of omega-6 acids. The problem with getting too many omega-3 and omega-6 acids is that they, again, may cause inflammation to the body.

5. Dibutylin levels, a chemical used in PVC plastics, is said to be six times higher in farm-raised mussels compared to wild ones

Dibutylin is toxic and can impair immune system function while also contributing to inflammation. Dibutylin may be the reason as to why there is a rise in asthma, obesity, allergies and other metabolic disorders in recent years.

6. Dioxin levels are 11 times higher in farm-bred salmon compared to wild salmon

According to the Environmental Working Group, the “first-ever tests of farmed salmon from U.S. grocery stores show that farmed salmon are likely the most [dioxin-like] PCB-contaminated protein source in the U.S. food supply.” Dioxin is actually a very toxic chemical that can contribute to cancer and other complications. The problem with dioxin is that once it enters our system, it can take a very long time until it leaves. Grimly, the half-life of dioxin is about 7 to 11 years!

These are only some of the dangers that have been linked back to eating farm-raised fish. What does this tell us? No. 1, we need to find out where our fish is coming from. Not all fish are created equal, and sad to say, farm-raised fish, instead of helping us, may even harm us.

In addition to farm-raised fish being bad for you, there is actually one other creature of the sea that is even more toxic. That creature is shrimp.

We are what we eat...

Always consider what you feed your body, think twice. 

Because we care...



Monday, May 17, 2021

20 Fun Facts About Healthy Eating



20 Fun Facts about Healthy Eating

Happy Monday everyone!! 

Healthy eating isn’t just about watching your waistline or limiting junk food. Here are 20 fun facts about healthy eating to feed your head.

1. Apples float because they are 25% air.

2. Avocado is a fruit. It also has the highest protein content of any fruit.

3.Only 9% of cabbage is pant matter, they other 91% is water.

4. Grazing throughout the day has no effect on fat burning.

5.Honey is considered a food in its own right and also never spoils.

6.There's more sugar in a lemon than in a strawberry.

7. Cherries are actually related to roses.

8. Blackberries and raspberries are not actually berries.

9. Bananas are herbs.

10. All parts of an egg are good for you and packed with nutrition.

11. Almonds are actually part of the peach family.

12. 96% of a cucumber is made up of water.

13. Sugary drinks are the most fattening food in the Western diet.

14. “Low-fat” usually means “sugar added” and should be considered unhealthy.

15. Fruit juice is really not all that good for you due to its high sugar content (on par with sodas).

16. Health has implications for your entire body and all of its systems, and weight is just one aspect of that.

17. Mindful eating is the best way to control portion size and avoid over-indulging.

18. The older an egg is, the more it will float in water. If it floats on top, it’s bad.

19. Some foods and even entire cuisines can help support reproductive health and fertility.

20. Balanced diets can help support and maintain good moods – health studies show that people who follow a balanced diet tend to have better mental health.

Who knew, right? These are just some of the fascinating facts about food and eating.

Understanding food more deeply will help you feed it 

better !!

The better you feed it, the better you will feel !!

Because we care... just think, 



We are always here for you !

Monday, May 10, 2021

Collagen boosting food


Happy Monday Everyone!

Find Collagen Naturally... because everything you need is always in how you feed your body 😉


Top 10 Collagen Boosting Foods


Collagen can be easily described as the "glue" that holds our bodies together, being the primary component of connective tissue, and is the most abundant protein in our body found in our muscles, bones, skin, tendons, hair and even the digestive system.

Collagen is known to improve circulation, help heal leaky gut syndrome and relieve joint pain. What makes collagen most popular in the health and wellness space, and earning the nick-name as the ultimate “inside-out” beauty product, is its natural ability to reduce wrinkles, improve hair quality and the appearance of cellulite. Collagen is the natural version of the anti-aging cream that many are guilty of spending a little bit too much of their hard-earned money on, and as it It turns out we don’t actually have to buy that $100 bottle of anti-aging cream, all we have to do is simply introduce more collagen-rich or collagen-boosting foods into our diets.

Research was done and here is what I found: the top 10 collagen boosting foods so you don’t have to spend those pretty pennies or put chemical-based creams on your face!

Why Do We Need Extra Collagen As We Age?

As we age, the body’s collagen production naturally begins to decrease, evident in the appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin and joint pains. Often, genetic defects, low intake of collagen-rich foods, nutritional deficiencies and digestive problems can impact the body’s ability to synthesize collagen. Additionally, lifestyle choices such as consuming high levels of sugar, smoking and extensive exposure to the sun can deplete collagen levels in the body and lead to premature aging.

Luckily we there are natural ways to reduce collagen depletion and promote collagen production through specific foods and minerals.

4 Foods That Are Naturally Collagen-Rich

1. Bone Broth

The highest concentrations of collagen in animal meats are found in the less appealing areas such as tendons, ligaments, cartilage, skin and bones. While you might not want to have a chew on these parts, you can benefit from their rich source of bioavailable collagen by slow cooking them into a broth which is far more appealing and easily consumed.

2. Spirulina

For those that keep to a vegan diet, Spirulina is a great source of glycine, a key component of collagen, which can be easily consumed in a healthy green smoothie.

3. Egg Whites

Egg whites contain large amounts of proline , an amino acid necessary for collagen production, so you can get a great collagen fix first up for breakfast! When you eat the whole egg, not just the whites, you can benefit from all the nutrients and minerals this complete meal provides.

4. Gelatin

One of the top collagen-rich foods available, gelatin is a protein derived from collagen that can be used in cooking, mixed into soups, or added stews or broths for a nutrient boost. You could even make yourself a healthy sweet jelly/jello treat made from nutrient-rich gelatin that comes in a number of forms including powder and sheets. 

The Top Foods To Help Your Body Boost Collagen Production

1. Kiwi Fruit

Full of Vitamin C, Kiwi fruit helps the body to execute the pre-collagen production phase for your body to naturally generate more collagen.

2. Berries

Berries are also rich in Vitamin C, supporting collagen production, and they also contain Vitamin E and contain powerful antioxidants that help protect against the breakdown of existing collagen cells from toxins and prevent free radical damage.

3. Almonds

Almonds contain high levels of Vitamin E and copper, which supports collagen formation by partnering with Vitamin C and providing the essential trace elements needed in the final step of collagen synthesis.

4. Carrots

Responsible for repairing and restoring collagen in damaged skin is Vitamin A which comes in abundance in carrots and other orange vegetables and fruits (except orange!).

5. Green Leafy Vegetables

We all know that dark green, leafy vegetables are superfoods with so many benefits that we include them in almost every meal! When it comes to promoting collagen production, these superheroes of the plant world bring a trio of powers - Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E - which are all vital components of collagen synthesis.

6. Oysters

Being rich in zinc, oysters both stimulate collagen synthesis as well as slow down the rate of collagen cell breakdown in granulation tissue, enabling wounds to heal more quickly.

Because we care... Think 



Monday, May 3, 2021

Benefits of Sunshine



Everyone knows how important sun is but... do you know how much it can effect your health?

Vitamin D is a vitamin that we don’t get from our diet but from exposure to sunlight. Most of us don’t get enough vitamin D. Sunlight helps the body to naturally produce more vitamin D, which in turn has a large number of important benefits for our health.

Some food have vitamin D but nothing compares to the real source... the SUN !!!

Mental Boost

Sunlight increases your brain’s production of serotonin. Serotonin regulates mood and social behavior. Vitamin D is actually a big mood booster and can help us to feel happier throughout the day. Have you ever stood outside in the sun and felt it really give you a mood boost? Have you ever noticed how everyone waves and says hello when the sun is out?

Better Sleep

Sunshine helps to regulate your body’s sleep wake cycle.  Getting more vitamin D in your diet can help you to sleep better and to wake up more refreshed and focused as a result. This might have something to do with the way the body links vitamin D to sunlight. Our bodies use cues from the world around us – such as sunlight- in order to ascertain what time it is and thereby regulate our body clocks.

Bone Health

Sunshine supports your body’s creation of Vitamin D and it helps you to build stronger bones. It does this by improving the uptake of calcium which is in turn used as a key building block to create the bones. In this way, vitamin D may be able to prevent and treat osteoporosis and even to help prevent breaks and sprains. This is particularly important as we get older.

Prevent Cancer

Sunlight provides many cancer preventing perks. Vitamin D has potent anti-cancer properties. It plays a key role in regulating the growth of new cells and is also a key player in cell-to-cell communication. It has been shown in some studies that the hormone calcitriol is able to slow the growth of new blood vessels in cancerous tissues and to reduce the proliferation and metastases. Vitamin D has a key role in gene expression too: influencing over  200 human genes specifically. This might be impaired when vitamin D is sub-optimal.

Skin Healing

Sun exposure can help treat several skin conditions. While sun damage is not good for the skin Vitamin D is good for the skin. In fact, light exposure is one of the best known treatments for psoriasis – the condition that causes the abnormal growth of skin cells resulting in flaky, unappealing plaques. This is likely to do with the power of vitamin D over the immune system.

Little Time

The beauty of spending time in the sunshine is you can do it in as little as 5-15 minutes to start receiving the benefits from it. It’s an easy step in becoming your healthiest self.

Just another way to stay healthy the natural way... all you have to do is make a point to be outdoors a little more. We can all do that 😉 It doesn't have to be complicated... and it doesn't cost anything.

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