Monday, November 29, 2021

Why are fermented foods important?



Gut health seems to be all the rage nowadays, but is it really that important? The answer is yes. Think about it, your gut is responsible for fueling and maintaining the critical functions of your entire body. Consider gut health as another form of self-care. There are many different ways to start caring for your gut, it’s important just to start somewhere. The good news is fermented food is an easy place to start! Fermented foods can actually be more nutritious than unfermented forms. Before getting into the health benefits of fermented foods, let’s talk about what fermented foods actually are.


Fermentation is an anaerobic process in which microorganisms where microorganisms (such as yeast and bacteria) break down food components, like starch or sugar, into organic acids or alcohol. The practice of fermenting foods came about centuries ago as a way to preserve foods or improve their flavors. This practice is over 13,000 years old.

You’ve heard that fermenting food in the process of  making wine and beer. But in fact, fermenting foods and beverages results in the growth of good bacteria, also known as probiotics. When you add probiotics into your diet, your gut will thank you!


Boosts Immune System

Did you know that  70% of your immune system resides in your gut and digestive system? Therefore when you disrupt the bacteria levels in your stomach it significantly weakens your immune system. The probiotics from fermented food maintains the healthy balance of bacteria in your gut, strengthening your immunity. This means less chances of catching the common cold or the flu! If you’ve already caught a cold, the good news is that fermented foods can actually help you recover quicker.

Your immune system is your first line of defense against infection. Maintaining its effectiveness by drinking probiotics means fewer sick days and more time to enjoy yourself!

Reduces Irritation in Digestion System

If you suffer from reoccurring digestive issues introducing fermented foods into your diet will relieve symptoms. Studies have proven daily probiotics intake reduces irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms. For everyone who suffers from regular bloating, probiotics are for you.

Fermented foods will also reduce other irritation that occur in the digestive system. These include diarrhea, gas, and constipation.

Makes Regular Food Easier to Digest

If you suffer from an intolerance to certain food groups, fermentation reduce the irritation the food causes. The process of fermenting foods breaks down their nutrients in to simpler, more digestible nutrients.

For example, approximately 65% of the general population struggles to properly digest lactose past infancy. If you’re one of those people who has a lactose intolerance but loves dairy (we understand), fermented foods are your solution. The natural sugars in milk, AKA lactose, are broken down into simple sugars. Your body can digest simple sugars a lot easier and without any uncomfortable digestive issues later. So feel free to browse the yogurt aisle knowing you won’t have digestive problems and you’re getting benefits from the probiotics.

Some foods such as seeds, nuts, and grains have an amazing nutrition profile that our bodies aren’t able to absorb fully. By fermenting these foods, our bodies will actually absorb more of the nutrients that are found in these foods. And who doesn’t want more nutrients?

Other studies have proven that fermented foods may also promote positive mental health benefits. These include less anxiety and depression. Other health benefits of fermented foods may include weight loss and reduced blood pressure. Fermented foods need to be a regular part of your diet.


  • Yogurt – You’ve probably already been eating this probiotic rich food, which is great news. All you need to do is continue eating it! All yogurts are not the same. Keep an eye out for yogurt that has ‘live active cultures’ or lists the bacteria strains listed with the ingredients. Also, beware of the amount of sugar in your yogurt! Some yogurts can be loaded with as much sugar as deserts.
  • Sauerkraut – Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage. Low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals – the fermentation process makes these nutrients more readily available to your body. Avoid added sugars and preservatives when shopping for sauerkraut. It is extremely delicious and adds texture to any sandwich or salad. 
  • Kombucha – This is one of our favorite ways to consume probiotics! It is a fermented tea that’s history goes back thousands of years. It is also rich in antioxidants, which are great at protecting your liver. Kombucha is also low in calories. Try swapping it in place of your fruit juice or expensive coffee drink. Beware of added sugars!
  • Miso – You have probably had traditional Japanese miso soup in an Asian restaurant before. Miso is a fermented condiment made out of soybeans. It is generally salty and savory. In addition to traditional miso soup, it is used as a sauce or spread. 
  • Tempeh – This is a great vegetarian meat replacement for protein. Tempeh is a product of fermented soybeans that is a traditional Indonesian food. It in addition to being a good source of plant-based protein, it is high in nutrients such as iron and calcium.
  • Kefir – This is a fermented milk drink, cultured from kefir grains. It is a fantastic source of probiotics, even better than yogurt. Kefir contains upwards of 60 strains of bacteria and yeasts. This drink is also an incredible source of calcium.

More Ways to Promote Gut Health

Many of the foods you’re consuming on a regular basic can be detrimental to the health of your gut. Try cutting out food high in refined sugars, alcohol, and artificial additives. Try including more gut healthy foods, such as these 7 foods for a healthy gut.

A healthy gut is extremely beneficial to your overall well-being. With fewer sick days and better digestive health, who wouldn’t be satisfied with the health benefits of fermented foods.




Monday, November 22, 2021

                                   Fun Facts About Thanksgiving 

                Fun Facts About Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving Day less than one week away, here are some 

fun fact 

about the Thanksgiving holiday you might want to bring up 

at the dinner table and impress family and friends! 

Did you know....for example, 

that the menu for the very first Thanksgiving in 1621 did not include 

turkey and no forks(just spoons and knives) 

and that the celebration lasted for three days? Yet 400 years later

 in 2021, 

Americans will consume some 46 million turkeys on Thanksgiving Day. 

And I suspect that in 2021 many households will finish their 

Thanksgiving holiday the same day and 

just in time to start early shopping for Black Friday! No more three day 


 And I doubt there will be many tables set for Thanksgiving dinner 

without forks this coming week!


Meantime, here are a few more fun facts about our Thanksgiving Day holiday :

  • Thanksgiving didn't become a national holiday until over 200 years 
  • after the first celebration in 1621.

  • Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the national bird, not 
  • the eagle.

  • Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's first meal in space after walking on the 
  • moon was foil packets with roasted turkey.

  • The heaviest turkey on record, according to the Guinness Book of 
  • Records, weighed 86 pounds.

  • California consumes the most turkeys in the U.S. on 
  • Thanksgiving Day.

  • The average Thanksgiving Day turkey weighs 15 pounds.

  • Campbell's Soup created green bean casserole for an annual 
  • cookbook 50 
  • years ago. It now sells $20 million worth of cream of mushroom soup.

  • The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade began in 1924 with 400 
  • employees
  •  marching from Convent Ave to 145th street in New York City. 
  • This first parade 
  • featured only live animals from the Central Park Zoo and none
  •  of the balloons we see today.

  • The first presidential turkey pardon ceremony started with 
  • President Truman in 1947.


                       BECAUSE WE CARE...



Thanksgiving Facts

Monday, November 15, 2021

Food to strengthen your bones


Strong Bones: 5 Foods to Strengthen Your Bones

Strong Bones:  5 Foods to Strengthen Your Bones

America is afflicted by a public health crisis of deteriorating health and a rapid increase in degenerative diseases. Despite the government’s recommendations and health checks for maintaining optimal bone health, conditions linked to fragile bones like osteoporosis are extremely prevalent. Recently scientists are learning that the advice from national organizations may actually be contributing to this epidemic of poor bone health.

One of the most common myths still written into national organization’s dietary recommendations is that dairy, especially milk, provides our body with the necessary calcium we need for strong bones.  You may have once too believed that 3 glasses of milk daily would reduce your risk of osteoporosis. Unfortunately these notions are false and can deplete the minerals in our bones.

Fortunately, you can reverse the declining health of your body and develop strong bones with lifestyle changes and different dietary patterns.

Calcium Supplements Useless

You would assume that countries that consume the highest amounts of dairy and calcium supplements compared to anywhere else in the world would have the lowest incidence of bone fractures. You would be wrong. These advanced countries actually have the highest fracture rates. Oddly enough the fracture rate of counties like Asia and Africa whose natives consume little dairy products and no calcium supplements have as much as 70% a lower incidence.

The Western diet is largely made up of acid forming foods such as highly refined grains, sugary foods, and processed meats. The pH of our blood is 7.365 and is extremely sensitive to changes. Even a pH change of 0.1 can be lethal to our body. These acidic foods cause our tissue including bone, muscle and joints to leach out minerals to stabilize the pH of the bloodstream. As a result, alkaline minerals like sodium, magnesium and calcium become depleted from our bodies.

How can you help your body heal? Make these 5 changes to your diet to develop strong bones and boost your overall wellbeing.

1. Only Use Raw, Fermented Dairy

Animals fed a diet rich in grain produce dairy products that are very acidic and promote inflammation in the body. As you just read, consuming the recommended serving of pasteurized dairy products will do the body more harm than good. Drinking a glass of pasteurized whole milk in cereal at breakfast followed by a cup of syrup sweetened yogurt with granola at lunch and a cheeseburger for dinner is a grossly misleading concept that does not contribute to optimal bone health.

One simple switch you can make in your diet is to swap the pasteurized dairy you consume with raw milk from pastured animals. The nutrition in this milk is more bioavailable to our bodies for absorption and is not as acidic. 

Although calcium likely first comes to mind when you think of bone health and milk, the right sources of milk also contain magnesium. Magnesium is required for calcium metabolism in the body and developing and maintaining the structure of bones. Approximately 60% of magnesium is concentrated in the bones making it the richest source of magnesium compared to any other tissue in the body 

2. Eat Green Leafy Vegetables

Fresh and raw fruits and vegetables are some of the best building blocks for healthy bones. Dr. Dawson Hughes published a study in 1990 where he said “When fruits and vegetables are metabolized they add bicarbonate, an alkaline compound, to the body…Our study found that bicarbonate had a favorable effect on bone reabsorption and calcium excretion. This suggests that increasing the alkali content of the diet may attenuate bone loss in healthy older adults.”

Antioxidant rich vegetables repair damage to bone tissue that oxidative stress causes. Dark leafy greens are loaded with essential bone health vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamin K and many trace minerals.  These minerals are critical for the development of strong bones.

Add veggies such as collard greens, arugula, swiss chard, kale, spinach and mustard greens into your diet daily for optimal nutrition. These greens help fight inflammation and provide the body with essential phytonutrients to rebuild and maintain cells in the bone.

3. Pasture-Raised Egg Yolk

Pastured-raised eggs are a compact source of antioxidants containing 13 essential nutrients contributing to bone health. Unlike conventional raised eggs which receive synthetic vitamin D as an alternative supplement compared to the natural vitamin D pastured chickens receive from sunlight, eggs provide choline, riboflavin, folate, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin D, protein, and healthy fats. 

However, most of these vitamins and minerals are contained in the yolk of eggs. Specifically, bone marrow nutrition requires proper biotin levels to function effectively of which egg yolk contains the greatest concentration of this bone health nutrient.  Consuming high quality egg yolks on a regular basis will help you develop strong bones.

4. Bone Broth and Collagen Protein

Bone broth is an excellent source of nutrients for all the bones in your body. Depending on the bone’s size, certain bones such as your humerus contain more bone marrow and require a different supply of nutrients. Bone broth made from grass-fed animal bones are rich in healing nutrients like collagen, gelatin, chondroitin sulfate, proline, glycine, magnesium, calcium and many others essential for bone health. 

Collagen protein is especially necessary for the health of connective tissue including cartilage, joints and bone. Supplementing your diet with bone broth and collagen protein is a great way to increase the density of nutrients in your bones and reverse deficiencies which lead to degenerative bone diseases.

Commercial Bone Broth:

If you don’t have the time or energy to make your own broth, there are many commercial bone broths available. Premade bone broth comes in both liquid and powdered forms. My favorite brand of liquid premade bone broth is Kettle & Fire which I have found to be the very best on the market.

The reasons why I love Kettle and Fire is that they only use 100% organic and grass-fed animal bones for their broths.  This is especially important as these animals are not exposed to pesticides and herbicides and do not bio accumulate a high toxin load.

Additionally, Kettle and Fire uses a slow simmering process to help extract the maximal amount of minerals and collagen from the bones.

5. Sea Vegetables

Sea vegetables are the ocean’s superfood providing us an abundance of nutrients and minerals. Some of the most readily available nutrients contained in sea vegetables like seaweeds, also called marine algae, are iodine, folate, selenium, magnesium, calcium, beta-carotene, choline, niacin, iron and vitamin K. 

Sea vegetables also help to buffer the bloodstreams pH which is critical to aiding in the maintenance of proper bone density and the development of strong bones. Here are some of the top sea vegetables you can add to your diet:

  • Kelp
  • Nori (commonly found as wraps for sushi)
  • Dulse
  • Irish Moss
  • Sea Palm

  • Vitamin D Absorption from the Sun

    The strength of your bones is primarily a reflection of the diet you consume. However, other lifestyle factors also contribute to bone health. The dangers of the sun have caused many people to avoid sun exposure or slather on toxic sunscreen to reflect not only the sun’s rays but also prevent our body from absorbing natural vitamin D.

    Healthy bone structure is dependent on vitamin D and the energy that stimulates our cells. This nutrient which is critical to hormone production is much more dangerous to avoid than to be out in the sun. 




Monday, November 8, 2021

Tricks not to get sick this winter


Tricks not to get sick this winter

Cold weather not only brings out sweater season but often the common cold and flu come right along with it. Let’s be honest, while missing school every once and a while is nice, staying home sick sucks. Lucky for you, I’ve compiled a list of ways to avoid the sniffles this winter season and keep you in tip top shape.

1. Citrus

Often times when people are sick, they turn to their good ol’ friend, vitamin C. This is because it increases the production of white blood cells which overall, leads to a stronger immune system.

Some great options include:

  • Oranges
  • Grapefruits
  • Lemons
  • Limes

2. Try natural remedies first

Although your first instinct, when you get sick, is to stock up on antibiotics, try to stick to the natural remedies. The overuse of antibiotics requires higher doses of the medication as the bacterias in the body becomes immune to it. It has also been shown that the body kills off good bacterias, while trying to take out the bad. This then leads to the opposite effect that the antibiotic was meant to do. Instead of strengthening the immune system, it’s weakening it.    

3. Stay clean

From door handles to bathrooms and even your phone, you’re picking up and carrying bacteria with you wherever you go. This time of the year, it’s super important that you carry around with you hand sanitizer or make the trip to wash your hands as much as possible. The less bacteria around, the smaller the chance of getting sick is.

4. Drink tea

Not only does drinking hot tea soothe a sore throat, but depending on the type, it helps you stay healthy in the winter too. Try making a cup of either chamomile, dendalion or green tea to boost the immune system and kill infection.

5. Get enough sleep

Because we don't see as much day light in the winter months, getting enough sleep is necessary.

6. Nutrition

And once again, make sure you have a good nutrition. Winter time or not it makes your immune system stronger and fights better against all things. If you make that a priority in your life year around you'll realize that no matter what season it is you will feel great.

Because we care...



Monday, November 1, 2021

 We hope everyone had a great Halloween!

But now what to do....

what to do with pumpkins after halloween

Halloween is the favorite holiday of millions of Americans. Costumes, candies, and Jack-O-Lanterns guarantee an unforgettable atmosphere every single season. Yet, once the spookiest day of the year is over, there are some pumpkins you need to deal with.

In fact, people have been trying to come up with what to do with pumpkins after Halloween. Instead of just throwing them out, we have come up with a creative approach. Plus, reusing your squash will save money fast and get you busy on some quite exciting projects.

Keep reading and discover cool 17 ways to deal with leftover Jack-O-Lanterns after Halloween.

Make Pumpkin Puree

Whenever you wonder what to do with Halloween pumpkin, puree should be your first thought. You can go two ways here. The first option is to use the flesh of the pumpkin to make a plain puree. Put differently, just cook and mash the squash. The second option is to add seasoning of choice if you plan to use the puree for cooking.

To make the puree, you will need to roast the squash for about 45-60 minutes. Then, remove the skin and mash the guts, no seeds. Once prepared, pumpkin puree can last for nearly a week in your refrigerator.

Cook Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin soup is a classic dish, especially great for cold winter months. This is our favorite pick among tens of carving pumpkin recipes because it’s simple and delicious.

To cook this dish, you need a peeled and chopped pumpkin, onion, garlic and broth. Put all ingredients in a pot with water and boil for 15 minutes. Put them in a blender until you get a smooth and creamy soup. Season to taste and add milk or cream if that’s your thing.

Try A True Pumpkin Spice Latte

All you need is Jack-O-Lantern puree, pumpkin pie spice, milk, brewed coffee, and sugar to create a real pumpkin spice latte! This hot drink is among the most popular holiday drinks in Starbucks each winter season. Thanks to your leftover Jack-O-Lanterns, you can make it yourself and enjoy it with your friends and family. Homemade pumpkin spice latte saves money and tastes better!

Bake Pumpkin Pie

This list wouldn’t be complete without the famous pumpkin pie. Among the most delicious things to cook with pumpkin for Halloween, this dessert is everyone’s favorite. Unlike pies from canned produce, those from fresh products have a much stronger and memorable flavor.

Besides your fresh-made puree, you will need evaporated milk, eggs, sugar, ground cinnamon, ground ginger, ground nutmeg, and a pinch of salt to get the filling. The pie crust is made from flour, salt, shortening, and cold water.

Within an hour, you’ll have a tasty holiday dish.

Roast The Seeds

Always remember to scoop the seeds and save them for eating. Put the seeds in a bowl with water to wash them from the attached flesh. You may need to use your fingers to clean them nicely before you roast them. There are several ways to roast pumpkin seeds, both sweet and savory.

Place the seeds on a baking sheet, spray them with oil, add salt, and roast them for about 45 minutes. You can eat them like that or add them to salads or other cheap dishes.  Alternatively, you can bake the seeds with cinnamon and honey if you have a sweet tooth.

Plant The Seeds

In case you’re not into the mood to roast the seeds, there’s no need to throw them out. You can instead repeat the process of cleaning them and place them on a towel. Handpick the best-looking seeds and store them in a paper bag. Wait for a month and then remove any rotting seeds. Keep the rest until the spring, when you can plant them and make sure you have fresh pumpkins for next Halloween.

Bake Pumpkin Bread

A great way to deal with leftover Halloween pumpkins is to bake pumpkin bread. This delicious recipe takes about an hour and a half to prepare. It’s the closest cousin to banana bread and will spice up your dinner nicely.

To make this bread, you need the following ingredients:

  • Pumpkin puree;
  • Flour;
  • Sugar;
  • Eggs;
  • Baking Soda;
  • Baking Powder;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Butter;
  • Salt.

Make Pumpkin Jam

Pumpkin is one of the gifts that keep on giving even after Halloween. Those who love sugary food should make pumpkin jam this season. It’s so good, people say they eat it plain, out of the jar with a spoon.

Making this dish takes no more than an hour, usually about 30 minutes. You just put all the ingredients into a large pot and cook until you get the jam-like texture. Besides the fresh pumpkin puree, which you already know how to make, you’ll need orange juice, nutmeg, ginger, sugar, salt, cloves, and nutmeg.

If you store the jam in decorative jars, you can even give it away as a holiday gift to your friends and family.

Cook Pumpkin Stew

Stew is among our favorite things to cook with pumpkin for Halloween. This generous meal will feed your entire family and keep you warm during the cold winter days.

Unlike the other pumpkin dishes, stew doesn’t require any special preparations. Just put your cut squash with sliced carrots, chopped onion, beef stew meat, and cut potatoes. Add seasoning to taste and cook until done.

Some people even serve the stew poured into a pumpkin. Yet, this may not be an option if all your leftover Jack-O-Lanterns are carved.

Turn Them Into Beauty Products

Do you prefer all-natural cosmetics? Are you a fan of hand-made beauty products? If so, then stop wondering what to do with pumpkin after Halloween 2019 right now!

You can use the leftover squash to make it into puree first. Then, use the puree to make your own, eco-friendly, and natural cosmetic products. Here are our favorite ideas to consider:

  • Body butter – add coconut oil to the puree, and you’ll have a smooth body butter for your next shower;
  • Facial mask – pumpkin puree, honey, yogurt, and brown sugar are the secret ingredients to a simple facial mask for all skin types;
  • Sugar scrub – mix the puree with olive oil and sugar to get a perfectly fine body scrub;
  • Hair mask – yogurt, honey, and puree can also be used for creating a hair mask that will make your hair shiny and healthy;
  • Hand lotion – mix the puree with olive oil or almond oil and honey to get a beautiful hand lotion.

Compost Them

Are you into composting? Would you like to create your own nutrition-rich compost for your soil? Well, you can do this with the help of your leftover pumpkin.

Compost feeds the soil, protects against droughts, and has many other positive benefits. To compost your Halloween Jack-O-Lantern, you need to cut it up to speed up the process.

Just make sure to remove the seeds before putting in into the compost. These can germinate and sprout new pumpkin plants, which won’t do your compost any good.

Plant Flowers In Them

When talking about cool things to do with pumpkins for Halloween we must mention using them as plant pots. That’s right, you can remove the top of the squash alongside its guts to create an adorable pumpkin pot.

You should also dip it in a vinegar solution or spray it with hair spray to slow down the decay process. Another thing to remember is putting a burlap inside to prevent any soil spoilage. Once these steps are completed, you can fill your Jack-O-Lantern with appropriate potting soil.

The final step is to add the fall plant of your choice. Great options for fall plants include dahlias, mums, celosia, and pansies. You can even give these compositions as gifts to your friends who adore fresh flowers.

Make A Bird feeder

Are you tired of all ideas about what to do with pumpkins after Halloween being cooking related?

Well, aside from using it for cooking, your Jack-O-Lantern can be a great craft project for you too. More precisely, you can use it to make a bird feeder out of it. In fact, this process can turn into a party for the whole family.

Making a bird feeder is very simple. Just remove the top part of the pumpkin and then fill it up with bird feed. You can then position it somewhere easily reachable for your feathery visitors. Alternatively, you can hang it on a tree as well.

Feed Your Livestock

If you have second thoughts about consuming old pumpkin, your livestock won’t have that issue. Leftover Halloween pumpkins are a real treat for most animals. Chickens, rabbits, and squirrels will enjoy them, and no special preparations are needed either. Just chop them, and you’re good to go. This idea won’t necessarily save you money, but it surely is better than wasting food.

Bake Pumpkin Dog Biscuits

Besides delicious pumpkins dishes for you and your family, you can use leftover Jack-O-Lanterns for baking dog treats too. Baking these dog biscuits is easy, but they’re also healthy for your pet. There are actually many different recipes you can try to test which one will be your doggo’s favorite.

For example, the simplest biscuit is made from whole wheat flour, eggs, cinnamon, coconut oil, and baking soda. Another recipe, besides the pumpkin, includes peanut butter and whole wheat flour. If your dog dislikes these, you can try adding some beef stock into the mix.

Use Them As Decoration

Not every idea for your funny Halloween pumpkins is food-related. On the contrary, there are lots of cool things to do with pumpkins for Halloween. One of those is to use them as decoration. Here are just a few top ideas to consider:

  • Thanksgiving decoration – take out the flesh entirely and keep the skin only. Use the pumpkin to stock inside some leaves and fresh flowers. In a breeze, you’ll have the perfect decoration for your Thanksgiving dinner;
  • Porch upgrade – you can carve your house number on the pumpkin or simply put it on top of leaves to instantly upgrade your porch. Don’t forget to spray it with hair spray to prevent it from rotting;
  • Fall-themed home decoration – dedicate a corner in your house to your favorite season. Put the pumpkin alongside some leaves, sticks, and flowers for the perfect fall-themed decoration;
  • Candy container – remove the upper part of the squash and take out the flesh. You should get a bowl-like form, which you can use as a candy container for some time;
  • Flower vase – give your Jack-O-Lantern a vase-like shape and varnish it or even paint it. Then, you can use it as a unique flower vase during the entire season.

Bury Them

If nothing from this list catches your eye, you can still make two smart decisions regarding your Jack-O-Lanterns.

The first option is to donate the pumpkins after Halloween. Other people may love to try one of the creative ideas mentioned before. You can even include this list so those who take the pumpkins can choose what to do with them.

The second option is to bury them. Instead of just throwing the pumpkins into the trash, it’s always better to put them into the ground. They will decompose and cultivate the earth. You can later plant something there as a reminder of the good times your Jack-O-Lanterns gave you.

Dealing With Leftover Halloween Pumpkins – Bottom Line

The mystery has been solved, and there’s no need to wonder what do to with pumpkins after Halloween anymore. These fresh ideas and Halloween freebies will help you save money and, at the same time, cook delicious dishes. Plus, by reusing Jack-O-Lanterns, you take the eco-friendly approach instead of wasting food and creating garbage.