Monday, July 26, 2021

Top 10 Hydrating Foods


Happy Summer!

 While I can’t complain about the beautiful weather… there are days (maybe only a few!) where it feels as if the heater is on blast outside!  Regardless of where you are contending with the summer heat, it is EXTREMELY important to remain throughly hydrated. To function properly and remain energized your body needs an ongoing supply of water throughout the day.

The Silver Lining is that you do not have to continuously gulp tall glasses of water all day long for your body to have enough supply of hydration. There are many types of foods that can help supply your daily need of water.

So what types of water should you eat? Well, cucumber and watermelon (one of my favorites!) are both fantastic foods to snack on during the hot summer days. Both are made up of about 96% of water and are a great source of vitamins A, C, and B. AND they taste great. Blueberries, celery, pineapple, grapefruit, and many more make it possible to EAT some of your daily supply of water!

Stay hydrated this summer and remember that water is not the only way to get your daily source of hydration!

Because we care...



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