Tuesday, June 14, 2022

8 Super Foods to help boost Fertility


Boost Fertility With These 8 Amazing Super Foods


Whether you’re just thinking about getting pregnant, or actively trying to get pregnant, or already struggling with infertility, these 8 foods are foods that you want to be included in your diet on a regular basis.

They’ve been shown to nourish the system, balance your hormones and help boost fertility.

Foods That Boost Fertility

These foods that boost fertility will also help you calm down, which is a difficult thing to do when you’re trying to get pregnant because there are so much anxiety and excitement built into the process.

Here are the foods you should consume if you want to boost fertility:

1. Asparagus

Asparagus is a great source of folate, which is necessary for healthy ovulation. It is also important for healthy sperm production and the quantity of sperm. So you want to definitely include asparagus into your diet.

2. Black Beans

According to Chinese medicine, when you’re trying to get pregnant, you want to nourish the kidneys, so you also want to build the blood. The black beans are a great way to do that because they’re a great source of protein, folate, zinc and B Vitamin.

3. Avocados

You should eat avocados on a regular basis if you want to boost fertility. Avocados are a great source of folate and potassium, but more importantly, they are a great source of mono-unsaturated fats.

Couples that eat avocados regularly have a higher success rate than those that do not.

4. Wild Alaskan Salmon

Wild Alaskan Salmon contains Omega 3 essential fatty acids which reduce inflammation in the body. And this is necessary for implantation of the egg. Omega 3 fats have also been shown to help with healthy cervical fluid production which is necessary for optimal fertility.

5. Yams

There’s a tribe in Nigeria called the Aruba Tribe that is known for their massive amounts of twin births. They also have an enormous amount of yams in their diet. Yams help to balance your estrogen levels and it also helps promote a little bit of progesterone in your body. So it helps to create a hormonal balance.

You want to eat yams in the first 2 weeks of your cycle, so the first day of your period to day 14 is the optimal time to boost your fertility.

In the US most yams are in the sweet potatoes family, so look for yams that are either from the Caribbean or from Africa.

6. Flax (ground seed or oil)

They are a great source of B Vitamin, magnesium, manganese and an excellent source of Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids. Flax balances out your estrogen levels and helps protect against estrogen dominance, which is quite common in women that have endometriosis or heavy periods.

7. Cruciferous Vegetables

Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, and other cruciferous vegetables help to process harmful estrogens out of your body, out of your liver. Cruciferous vegetables also help to lower estrogen dominance in your body, leading to greater hormonal balance.

8. Kale

Kale is a great source of folate and iron, which help you to boost fertility.

You want to combine these foods as best as you can to maximize your nutrient intake and to get the most out of them.

For example, you can make a bean salad and put a grilled salmon on top of it. Add some avocado to that bean salad or maybe some chopped asparagus. Another suggestion would be to bake a yam and then to put some flaxseed oil on top of it.

So combine these foods however you want to boost fertility to the maximum.

These are key foods that you should be including, but there are also key foods that you should be avoided if you’re trying to get pregnant. These foods are:

  • trans-fats, which block your ability to absorb essential fatty acids like Omega 3 fats found in salmon and in flax;
  • sugar and refined foods which disrupt your hormonal balance;
  • alcohol;
  • caffeine.

It’s so simple to change your diet, you just need a few suggestions and then you need to put them into play.

But sometimes food can’t do everything. So you need to get some professional advice from specialists. No matter what kind of fertility problem you have, the doctors can help and guide you.





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