Monday, August 23, 2021

Eating Organic

Eating Organic Is A Form Of Self Love

Evidence-Based Benefits of Eating and 

Buying Organic Food

If you want a healthy body and an active mind, you need to be attentive to what you 

consume. Regardless of your dietary needs, every health practitioner can agree that 

whole foods are superior to processed foods. However, even with that consensus, 

for your food to be the whole foods you consume to be most beneficial, you need 

to be eating organic produce. This is where the organic debate emerges.

Is there any value in purchasing organic produce, poultry, and meat?

The short answer is yes. However, to give you a better understanding of how 

advantageous organic produce is for your health and the environment, here are five of the 

most prevalent benefits.

  1. Organic Food Doesn’t Contain Pesticides

Organic farmers don’t use pesticides in their farming practices. However, conventional 

farmers use tons of pesticides that all make it into the store, and – even after washing 

– trace pesticides can still make it into your body. Some studies note the correlation 

between organophosphate – the most widely used insecticide – and ADHD in children 

ages 8 to 15. The only way to reduce your and your family’s risk of exposure to pesticides 

is to consume a diet rich in organic produce.

  1. No Antibiotics & Synthetic Hormones in Meat

Another by-product of conventional farming is the overuse – or abuse – of antibiotics 

and synthetic hormones to stimulate growth in livestock and prevent diseases. These 

diseases are often associated with the poor living conditions and inadequate diet of the 

animals reared in conventional farms. Studies have shown that organic meat doesn’t have 

the antibiotics and synthetic hormones present in regular meat and meat products.

  1. Lower Levels of Carcinogenic Causing Nitrates

A study conducted by The Sherwin-Williams Company reveals that organic produce has 

as much as 30% fewer nitrates than conventionally grown produce. Nitrates can be both 

good and bad, depending on the chemical reaction it undergoes in the body. When nitrates 

come into contact with amino acids and heat, it transforms into nitrosamines a powerful 

carcinogen with an undeniable link to cancer.

  1. Higher Levels Antioxidants Responsible For Fighting Free Radicals

Many consumers eat vegetables for their health benefits. One of the most prolific benefits 

of fruit and vegetables is the high contents of antioxidants.

Free radicals have an unpaired valence electron. Because of this, free radicals react easily 

to other molecules, robbing them of their electrons and causing large chain reactions, this 

process is commonly known as oxidation. This oxidation can lead to cancer, heart disease, 

and a host of other problems. Studies have revealed that organic fruit and vegetables 

contain as much as 69% more antioxidants than fruit and vegetables grown through 

conventional farming.

  1. Possibly Contains More Nutrients

The research is conflicting, but there is some evidence that supports the possibility of 

organic produce having a micronutrient content. A study by the British Journal of 


also reveals that the phenolic acids, flavonols and flavanones were 19%,50% and 69% 


respectively, when compared to conventionally grown produce.

  1. Increased Levels of Fatty Acids in Meat and Dairy

Fatty acids are a key constituent in the hormones that regulate blood clotting, relaxation, 

and contraction of the artery walls, and, therefore, they are crucial in the body. There has 

also been evidence that links Omega 3 Fatty Acids to the prevention of heart disease and 


meta-analysis published by Cambridge University reveals that organic meat and dairy 

contain 50% more omega 3 fatty acids than what is present in conventionally farmed 

meat and diary.

From your health to the planets health purposefully choose to make smart choices. This is 

your strongest power. Choice controls every aspect of our lives. Choose not to buy those 

products from the companies that do not have yours’s, your family’s or the planets best 

interest at heart. Then they will change or better yet a company that does care will.


                         Because we care...



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